Make Your Own Passport Reflection
At the beginning of the activity, someone asked me which country’s passport I what to have the most. And then I was warmly introduced to pick a lottery to determine which country’s passport I actually get to make. I think it is an interesting process, because it is exactly the analogy we have in real life to acquire a citizenship. The whole process is random and not always pleasant. The feeling of lost and disappointment when there is a gap between what we want and what we get. I want the Norway passport the most, merely because it has a beautiful color, but if think deeper, I realize that each passport stand for the power behind it. The mobility and the identity was restricted and elaborated at the same time. It got me thinking that whether the division of nationality is necessary and justice. For some, they are born with rights and opportunities, and others immobile and restriction. There is no fair in this. The border cuts through spaces and human connection, more importantly it is an invisible wall of equality. Especially there is one member of my group got “stateless” from the lottery note. He is unnecessarily lonely. There are people born in concentration camp, or out-state land who are stateless at the beginning of their life. So hard and lonely, I can only imagine. Should there be the division of nation in today’s world?